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In this time of the Coronavirus pandemic you are likely worrying about what may come next – a health crisis? An economic crisis?

在这段冠状病毒大流行的时期,您可能担心接下来会发生什么—健康危机? 经济危机?

好吧,这是我们所有人都必须面对并准备的现实。 (Well, this is a reality that we must all face and prepare for.)

Millions of workers from government organizations and private firms are experiencing remote work for the first time. As more people become infected by COVID-19, it can be difficult to know what to do.

来自政府组织和私人公司的数百万工人第一次经历了远程工作。 随着越来越多的人被COVID-19感染,可能很难知道该怎么做。

Yet many experts suggest that this could be an opportunity to stay intent on your work even when you're away from your workplace and co-workers. It’s time to make a real impression.

然而,许多专家建议,即使您不在工作场所和同事身边,这也可能是一个专心工作的机会。 是时候给人留下深刻的印象了。

If you believe in being proactive during this lockdown, then this time working from home is the opportunity to explore, learn, create and collaborate. According to , the COVID-19 outbreak has led to an increased interest in remote working.

如果您认为在锁定期间会保持主动,那么这次在家工作便是探索,学习,创建和协作的机会。 根据的说法,COVID-19爆发已引起人们对远程工作的兴趣增加。

在家工作时提高生产力的提示 (Tips to Improve Your Productivity While Working from Home)

Since so many more people are working from home now, I’ve listed the best tips for how to stay productive when you're working from home.


1.设置您的日常工作,好像您仍在工作 (1. Set your daily routine as if you're still going to work)

While working from home, try to stick to your set routines that you were following before, as much as possible. Your home is good for relaxation but might not be so good for work.

在家工作时,请尽量遵循您之前遵循的设定例程。 您的家对放松很有好处,但对工作可能不太好。

At your home, you’re used to watching daytime TV and having lazy weekend mornings. To stay productive while working at home you'll need to set a routine. For example, try to wake up at a certain time, and then set your lunch time, dinner time, exercise time, and of course work time.

在家里,您习惯于看白天的电视和度过一个懒散的周末早晨。 为了保持在家工作时的生产力,您需要设置一个例程。 例如,尝试在某个时间醒来,然后设置您的午餐时间,晚餐时间,运动时间,当然还有工作时间。

The best thing you can do is to follow the same routine you were previously following before lockdown. In the morning you can take a shower, get dressed in office clothes, and help your body understand it's work time not sleep time.

最好的办法是遵循锁定之前的例程。 早上您可以洗个澡,穿上办公室的衣服,并帮助您的身体了解工作时间而不是睡眠时间。

Set your work hours, and try to stick with those hours as much as possible. You can schedule office meetings in the morning to kickstart your day.

设置您的工作时间,并尽量遵守这些时间。 您可以安排早上的办公室会议以开始新的一天。

Set up the workspace available to you. Maybe it’s a part of your living room, a desk or a sofa. Mark your territory and make it your own space for work time. Have all the important things on hand such as your laptop, your chargers, pens and papers.

设置对您可用的工作区。 也许这是您客厅,桌子或沙发的一部分。 标记您的领土,并使其成为您自己的工作时间空间。 随身携带所有重要物品,例如笔记本电脑,充电器,笔和纸。

Get comfortable with the setting and develop the mindset that “In this place, I’m in work mode.” And when you’re not working, avoid spending too much time in this work area.

适应设置并发展思路:“在这里,我处于工作模式。” 而且,当您不工作时,请避免在此工作区花费太多时间。

2.整理工作中分散注意力的东西 (2. Declutter stuff that distracts you during work time)

It is not important to always follow this rule, to be honest. But when you work from home, there’s a lot of “stuff” around you such as TV, your kitchen, kids' stuff, and so on. All this will remind you of your household chores.

老实说,始终遵循此规则并不重要。 但是,当您在家工作时,周围会有很多“东西”,例如电视,厨房,孩子们的东西等等。 所有这些都会使您想起家务。

When you're working from home, you have to manage work as well as deal with those chores. Ready or not, when you’re working remotely, you’ll get distracted easily.

当您在家工作时,您必须管理工作并处理这些杂务。 准备好与否,当您在远程工作时,您会很容易分心。

To stay productive whenever you work from home, try to clear your workspace from the things that distract you. This will help you stay focused on your work.

为了使您在家工作时都能保持工作效率,请尝试清除分散您注意力的工作区。 这将帮助您专注于工作。

Additionally, try to avoid working in bed. This will make you sleepy for the whole day. But if you have no choice and have to work in bed, you can create a sense of “working at your office” by getting coffee, arranging tools, and whatever makes you feel awake.

此外,请尽量避免在床上工作。 这会让您整天困倦。 但是,如果您别无选择,只能躺在床上工作,则可以通过喝咖啡,安排工具以及任何让您感到清醒的方式来营造一种“在办公室工作”的感觉。

Still, it's not a good idea to make your bedroom as a workspace, as it should only be used to sleep or relax. Try to set up a workspace in your study room or living room or somewhere else – it can be your dining table.

不过,将您的卧室用作工作区并不是一个好主意,因为它只能用于睡眠或放松。 尝试在您的书房,客厅或其他地方设置工作区-它可以是您的餐桌。

3.强调与同事的沟通 (3. Emphasize communication with your colleagues)

Use video conferencing to avoid feeling isolated. To stay productive while working from home, you should keep connected with your team and colleagues in a more intentional manner. Video calls may not be comfortable all the time for everyone, but it can be worth the benefit of seeing your colleagues during this lockdown.

使用视频会议避免感到孤立。 为了在家中工作时保持生产力,您应该以更有意识的方式与团队和同事保持联系。 视讯通话可能并不总是适合所有人,但值得一提的是,在锁定期间与您的同事会面是很有益的。

Video conferencing is an easy way to build meaningful human interactions if remote work is hampering your productivity and your mental and emotional well-being. You can use email for more formal sharing of information, documents, or resources. Instant messaging is good for formal check-ins as well as quick communication that needs a quick response.

如果远程工作妨碍了您的工作效率以及身心健康,那么视频会议是建立有意义的人际互动的一种简便方法。 您可以使用电子邮件来更正式地共享信息,文档或资源。 即时消息非常适合正式签到以及需要快速响应的快速通信。

Video calls on Skype and Google Hangout are good for meetings with groups of people. They can also help you make a connection between voices and faces.

通过Skype和Google Hangouts进行视频通话非常适合与一群人开会。 他们还可以帮助您在声音和面Kong之间建立联系。

You can also do one-on-one check-ins on IM chat, video call, or text message to feel more connected with employees or colleagues. Getting feedback on your work during remote work is also possible on quick video chats. Doing so keeps you motivated and keeps you updated on what's going on in the office.

您还可以在IM聊天,视频通话或短信中进行一对一签到,以与员工或同事建立更多联系。 得到 快速视频聊天也可以在远程工作期间对您的工作提供反馈。 这样做可以使您保持动力,并随时了解办公室的最新情况。

4.循环回到自我护理,以提高工作效率 (4. Looping back to self care to feel more productive)

When you’re alone it's often harder to feel productive. This can be a downside to working from home alone all day. To help combat this, you can talk to family members or roommates during your work-time to avoid anxiety and depression. Avoid spending hours at your desk, and pay attention to your overall health.

当您一个人时,通常很难感到有成效。 这可能是整天在家工作的不利方面。 为了解决这个问题,您可以在工作期间与家人或室友交谈,以避免焦虑和沮丧。 避免在办公桌前花费数小时,并注意整体健康。

Walking around your home or outside your home for a quick break is a good idea to keep your body moving and refreshed. It enables you to increase your productivity when you return to work.

在家中或家中外散步以快速休息是保持身体运动和恢复活力的好主意。 重返工作岗位后,您可以提高工作效率。

One of the most challenging parts of working from home is this lack of communication and socialization. There's nothing like chatting with your coworkers or friends that you enjoy working with and catching up throughout the day. During this lockdown, it is important to make time to (virtually) connect with others, whether it’s your spouse, kids, friends, colleagues, and others.

在家工作中最具挑战性的部分之一是缺乏沟通和社交。 与您喜欢的同事或朋友聊天并全天候忙碌一样。 在此锁定期间,重要的是要花时间与他人(实际上)建立联系,无论是您的配偶,孩子,朋友,同事还是其他人。

This is the best possible way to stay calm and resilient in this situation. We have to support one another to get through this hard time of social distancing and lockdown.

这是在这种情况下保持镇定和复原力的最佳方法。 我们必须相互支持,以度过这段与社会隔绝和封锁的艰难时期。

5.注意工作计划,纪律和动机 (5. Be mindful of work plans, discipline, and motivation)

Working from home requires discipline, attention, and self-motivation. It's a good idea to set up some work plans or make a list for yourself. Segment out what tasks are most important for you when you are in your work hours. That way you don’t spend your whole day cleaning your house and neglecting key tasks.

在家工作需要纪律,注意力和自我激励。 制定一些工作计划或自己列出清单是一个好主意。 在您上班时,将哪些任务对您最重要。 这样一来,您就不必花费整日的时间来打扫房屋并忽略关键任务。

Every Monday, make a list of projects that you and your team will be working on. Establish your work time, kitchen time, family time, breaks, socializing, and other activities to keep yourself on track with your workload.

每个星期一,列出您和您的团队将要从事的项目。 确定您的工作时间,厨房时间,家庭时间,休息时间,社交活动和其他活动,以使自己掌握工作量。

It also sends the message to your employer that you’re following a set schedule for work and home — just like you would in the office.


You should not be logged in 24/7 just because you have access to work anytime. Make yourself comfortable and allow yourself time for self-care. Try to create a work-life balance. We all need that, no matter where we are working from.

您不应仅因为可以随时上班而登录24/7。 使自己舒适并留出时间进行自我护理。 尝试建立工作与生活的平衡。 无论我们在哪里工作,我们都需要它。

6.提高生产力的必备工具 (6. Must-have tools to improve your productivity)

Of course, working virtually isn’t always an easy task—especially when you’ve to work from home with family, roommates, or kids. You need to stay productive during this time.

当然,工作实际上并不总是一件容易的事,尤其是当您必须与家人,室友或孩子一起在家工作时。 您需要在这段时间内保持生产力。

In this situation, finding the best tools for working remotely can make a big difference. Here are some useful tools and apps:

在这种情况下,找到最佳的远程工作工具可能会有很大的不同。 以下是一些有用的工具和应用程序:

视频会议应用程序: (Video Conferencing Apps:)

app for one-to-one video chat.


for group chat.


for better video quality & reliability.


for clear, quick group video calls & chat.


for business video conferencing.

用于商务视频会议的 。

for better screen sharing video chat.


项目管理软件: (Project Management Software:)

for managing daily work assignments and work progress graphs.


for tracking the results of your assigned tasks.


for managing your contacts and work projects.


for preparing to-do task lists with customization options.


for listing your daily tasks (custom fields available).


设计和开发工具: (Design & Development Tools:)

is a free development tool for coders.


is a design tool with features such as Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator.


is a free to use text editor tool.


is a tool for wireframing.


时间管理工具: (Time Management Tools:)

is a time management tool for managing your work schedule, meetings, work sessions, etc.


is a useful app that saves your content for later reading.


is a helpful time tracker.


is a time tracker tool for daily work projects.


is an appointment scheduler tool.


Now that you’ve got the list of tools to use during work from home, it’s time to get started with these tools and tips.


祝好运! (Good luck!)

Working from home is a reality for many in our current situation. More people than usual are working from home and splitting time with their families at the same time.

在我们当前的情况下,在家工作对许多人来说都是现实。 在家工作,与家人同住的时间比平时多。

In all this, stay positive, stay productive, and stay healthy. Remember to never, ever give up.

在所有这些方面,保持积极,生产力和健康。 记住永远不要放弃。

While I can’t guarantee that you will benefit from these productivity tips while working from home, I hope they help.


I hope we all get to go back to normal soon. In the meantime, you can follow these tips to keep calm and stay productive at work.

希望大家早日恢复正常。 同时,您可以按照以下提示进行操作,以保持镇静并保持工作效率。




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